Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is a severe sin in Christianity that refers to denying or rejecting the work of the Holy Spirit. It is considered particularly grave because it involves rejecting the Holy Spirit who is central to the faith, and is believed to be responsible for drawing people to Jesus Christ. The consequences of committing this sin are debated within Christianity, with some believing it is unforgivable and others believing that forgiveness is possible through repentance.
Jesus said all sins can be forgiven except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (Mark 3:28-29). The Bible does not say exactly blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, but we can understand what it means by context.
The Pharisees had accused Jesus of casting out demons by the power of Beelzebub, the prince of demons. Jesus explained that this was ridiculous because Satan does not work against himself. Jesus also warned that there are only two sides: whoever is not with him is against him (Matthew 12:30-31). Then he said that all sin, except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, would be forgiven.
What counts as blasphemy in Christianity?
Blasphemy is speaking ill of God or the things of God. To blaspheme means to insult or defame God by telling lies about Him. Those who blaspheme show contempt for God.
Our attitude should be one of love and respect for God. He is powerful and perfect, and He still loves us! In other words, Blasphemy is knowingly rejecting God. According to the Bible, Jesus said that even blasphemy could be forgiven, but only blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.
Matthew 12:32 explains that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is speaking against the Holy Spirit. To speak against means to oppose, actively rejecting.
Against all evidence, the Pharisees were rejecting Jesus. But Jesus said even that could be forgiven. The real danger is rejecting the Holy Spirit.
The function of the Holy Spirit is to convict of sin and lead to repentance. To be saved, a person needs to repent of his sins (John 16:7-8; Acts 3: 19-20). Therefore, whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven because he rejects the Spirit’s conviction and repentance. Rejecting repentance is blasphemy because it insults God, who gave everything to bring about salvation and deliverance from sin.
Examples of Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
Here are some examples of sins against the Holy Spirit:
Denying the power and existence of the Holy Spirit
Refusing to repent and turn towards God despite the prompting of the Holy Spirit
Intentionally and knowingly rejecting Jesus Christ as savior
Attributing the work of the Holy Spirit to the devil or other evil forces
Deliberately obstructing the work of the Holy Spirit in the world
What is the punishment for blasphemy in the Bible?
In the Old Testament, the punishment for blasphemy was death by stoning (Leviticus 24:15-16). Love and respect for God should be the foundation of the nation of Israel. Blaspheming was a very serious sin and could not be tolerated.
In the New Testament, Jesus warned that blasphemy is a serious sin. There is no salvation for the blasphemer who rejects God entirely and refuses to acknowledge his action, as the Pharisees did when they accused Jesus of working for the devil in Matthew 12:24.
Religious leaders accused Jesus of blasphemy because he claimed to be equal to God, which, in their view, demeaned God. They used the blasphemy charge to turn the people against Jesus because blasphemy was a serious sin that revolted the Jews (John 10:31-33).
Will God forgive me for blasphemy against the Spirit?
Yes, blasphemy to God can be forgiven if the person repents. God does not reject anyone who repents. The only unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (Matthew 12:30-32). Whoever commits blasphemy against the Holy Spirit does not feel remorse because he has completely rejected repentance. If you love God, you are in no danger of falling into that sin.
Still have doubts? See here: How can I know if God has forgiven me?
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is a total and continual rejection of God. Anyone who feels sorry for their sin and wants to have a relationship with God has not committed blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. There is still hope for that person.