In a world full of people who call themselves Christians, it’s important to know the difference between those who truly follow Jesus and those who just pretend.
This article will help you understand what real faith looks like and how to spot those who might not be genuine.
Reading the Bible is good for us as Christians because our lives depend on knowing it.
But you see, knowing facts about Jesus Christ does not change our relationship with Him. You may read or study the Bible for many years, but if you do not leave it or act on it, your mind is not renewed.
Don’t miss the Point
Ezekiel chapter 33, verse 31 So they come to you as people do, they sit before you as My people, and they hear your words, but they do not do them; for with their mouth they show much love, but their hearts pursue their own gain.
Today we have word hearers, men listeners and good talkers, but not doers.
Are you one of them? Where do you belong? The Bible says, In Deuteronomy 32 verse 36 he said, “For the LORD will judge His people And have compassion on His servants, When He sees that their power is gone, And there is no one remaining, bond or free.
Where do you stand?
1st Peter 4:17 says For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?
Are you a word hearer? Examine yourself
2nd Corinthians 13, verse 5 says, “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you?”
Many Christians hide behind their knowledge of the Bible, mastering the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. Without any doubt, knowing the Scripture is important and profitable.
But you see, no matter how much you master the scriptures without true obedience to what you read, what you hear, you are still missing the point.
As Christians, you can be sound in doctrine and know the word and be lost. You may know the word and never be converted. Because knowledge is not the key, but obedience is.
It is letting the word become an integral part of our being because it lives in us, part of our being. Bible says in James 1:22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
Many of us are deceiving ourselves because we are not acting the word, we are not living the word, we only hear it, we only study it, thereby missing the point.
Matthew 7:26-27 But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand…
The Bible says the wise man is the doer of the word, while others hear but do not act upon it. What is the opposite of being wise? You know it. Meaning, if you are not the doer of the word, it’s the opposite.
The Bible says faith without works is dead. Our works prove our faith.
Actions Reveal True Faith
A man of faith does not only know his faith but also shows his faith. The unique place where faith is expressed is in our works, meaning your faith is not complete without works.
True faith is alive and active, expressing itself through obedience and love. Without works, there is no faith. Faith is dead.
Indeed, a man can be a pastor by profession, a bishop by profession, an evangelist by profession, but not such in heart.
Titus 1 vs 16 They profess to know God, but in works, they deny him.
It is a vain exercise for anyone to profess closeness to God according to the flesh while he is unchanging in heart unless he has Christ dwelling in his heart by faith through the word.
What is your character like?
Does what you do show that Jesus is Lord? Does your character testify of your confession of Christ Jesus? How many souls have you won for Jesus through your Christ-like character?
Outside, they can no longer differentiate who is a Christian and who is a non-believer. The people of the world are tired of hearing men’s sermons. They want to see the sermons in your life. Let your life preach a better sermon.
Christ and the word are one, meaning you possess the word when you possess his character because God’s word reflects his character.
God Almighty is looking for character. He is not looking for gifts. You may be a gifted singer, a gifted speaker. Just name it.
Only your character can testify of your confession of Christ Jesus, because God is in the person of character. Character is everything as a christian. God’s words reflect his character, believers are simply doers.
True Christian is known by his love
For you are not only what you say, but also what you do. What are you doing?
The problem of believing is made simple when you know that acting on what God has said. What God has spoken, such as the Lord’s commandment, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Someone may want to ask, “Who is my neighbor?” Your neighbor could be your enemy.
Could be those who speak ill about you. Could be those who do not want to hear anything good about you. Could be those who do not share the same faith as you. We are commanded to love them because a true Christian is known by his love.
God’s Commandments
Jesus said in John 14:15, “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” We love God by doing what he wants. He wants you to love and forgive. Do you forgive? Is there anyone you need to forgive?
By doing what God wants, we demonstrate our love for him, not in mere words, but in action and in truth. Whether we feel like loving or not, it is an obligation, our responsibility.
Today, many Christians claim to love God, but they don’t love their fellow brothers. How can that be? Don’t forget 1 John 4:20. It says, “If you have not loved your brother whom you see, how can you love God whom you have not seen?”
As a true christian, you need to act on what God has said. Acting on the word is you are agreeing with God.
Anytime we act on the Word, something enters our spirit that increases our assurance that, yes, we are children of God. It is acting on the word that builds faith in the believer.
True christians must do or act on the word, obey the Word. For spiritual growth is a function of obedience to God’s word, and our obedience is the only proof of our faith in God. Obedience is expressed in action, not in words. Matthew 21:28-31, it is expressed in action, not in words.
The way of obedience is the way of blessing, for God always rewards the obedient. He does not necessarily reward smart people, good people, or wealthy people. He rewards obedient people.
Read also: Ways to Grow Your Intimacy with God
When God Almighty comes to reward true christians, the question will not who can read and quote the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, not be who worshiped in the biggest church, not who can fast and pray all day, not who can teach and preach powerful sermons, not just the good talkers, the word hearers, the good listeners. It will be who hears, believes, and obeys God’s word.
Thank you.